Saturday, April 2, 2011

Creativity at it's finest...

So, I'm pretty proud of this, not going to lie... The man was having a bad day at work the other day so I decided to be the creative, supportive, encouraging girlfriend that I am and make him feel loved. I decided that decorating his office would make his day and get me smile or two... :) Of course all good decorations should involve stickynotes...

Ta-da! Hopefully I made his day a little bit better. I'm pretty sure the Starbucks mocha that came along with the decorations probably helped. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lovin' Jesus

He's awesome! Seriously. I'm so thankful and beyond blessed by His love, patience, compassion, blessings, and forgiveness. I'm completely not deserving of any of it, yet He is always willing to bless me and save me from my stupid mistakes. I'm so thankful for the lessons that I learn while I spend time with Him and allow for Him to shape my life and who I am. :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Small Little Blessings

I love seeing Jesus in random things throughout the day, it makes me smile. The last few months have been so crazy busy that I got to the point where God and my relationship with Him were something that I just didn't have time for anymore. I hate to even admit that, but it's true. I'm beyond thankful for His nudging and calling me back to Him, and the last few weeks have been so refreshing and renewing! One of my favorite things about being close with God is the desire to see Him, learn from Him, and feel His touch throughout the day. I was reading Psalm 65 today and it just made me so thankful for God and His many blessings that I don't deserve, but He gives to me.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I'm a horrible blogger, I know that about myself. So, after a several month break, I'm back! Hopefully I will be able to keep up with this better, but considering what my schedule looks like, I doubt it... One really quick thing I wanted to share because it has stuck with me all week and been on my mind, so in Julie-land that means it's a keeper! :) In Psalm 36 David is writing about God's faithfulness and love and I loved the way he worded it...

"Your unfailing love, O LORD, is as vast as the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
your justic like the ocean deapths."

I'm such a visual person that I loved how this gave me a frame of reference and a visual picture to begin to understand the depth and size of God's love, faithfulness, righteousness, and justice. I would be one of the first people to tell you that God is all of these things and so many more, but this helps me comprehend and grasp who He is so much better! I can tell you this, over the last few weeks I have experienced such a refreshing experience with God that I have seen all of these characteristics evident in my life, and I'm loving it! I'm so thankful that He unconditionally loves us and welcomes us back wholeheartedly when we wander or stumble away... It's beyond my understanding, but I'm so thankful to serve and love such an amazing Savior.