Thursday, October 22, 2009

Joy vs. Happiness

I used to think there was no real difference between joy and happiness, boy was I wrong. Over the last few months I have come to realize the vast difference between these two things. Happiness is based on our human emotions in reaction to our situation and the people around us. Joy is based purely on a deep and satisfying relationship with Jesus. I can truly say that I didn't have a lot of joy in my life before; I thought I did, but I didn't really know what it was. I'm so thankful to have gone through pain during the last few months to bring me to my knees and bring me to the point where I have experienced raw and real joy in my life. There is nothing like it! I know that regardless of what I face in my life I can choose to have joy because I am absolutely confident that God loves me and that I can have a relationship with Him, regardless of the struggles I'm going through. So, if you're having a rough day remember that joy is your choice and you simply have to open your heart to Christ and allow Him to fill your life with joy!

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